Hello there, guys!
My front battery “NAPA Power no.65” 70 Ah, cca: 675 A, ca: 830 A, sits about 14.1-.6 at the front battery terminals while idling, while my d3400 starts around 13.1 and moves up to 13.5 while idling, according to the few times I’ve checked. I charged my d3400 with hf1215 last night and it was at 12.9 when I plugged it in.
2 1/0 runs: front battery -> dual fuse -> rear fuse holder -> rear battery, though the front to rear battery connection is unfused in the trunk. I just realized that I should probably fuse it. I have a smd fuse holder that functions as a bus on one side and can be fused to amps or anything else on the other. I have a total of three battery wires connected to the bus, so they should all be in good working order. My amps perceive the same voltage as my front batteries, yet at idle, my d3400 rises from 13.1 to 13.5.
The d3400 is set to 12.5 while connected to the system and the engine is turned off.
When linked to the system and the engine is turned off, the factory battery has a voltage of 12.3.
When bass hits strongly at the terminals, the voltage loss on the d3400 is modest. (Playing lows, it went from 13.6 to 12.6)
If none of this information is sufficient, I may supply more figures after the batteries have been charged overnight.
Finally, is this typical, or is there something wrong?