So I found myself exploring the thoughts of using the 2 chemistries in parallel to a single inverter. The biggest issue I can think of is the voltage difference. 18650s don’t have much capacity at the voltage lifepo4 likes to be at. So I set off to make use of the few hundreds of 18650s. Purchased two, 120amp JBD bms’s. After getting the voltages even I turned off the charge-discharge options and connected them. Then turned them back on slowly. No issues yet. I then proceeded to turn on the inverter. Began with a 60 amp load, oddly the lifepo4 cells were dumping 40-45 of the required load. After turning it off the lifepo4 was of course at a lower voltage so the lithion packs began charging the other ones up. As voltage began matching the current went down of course. I kept tinkering with them and found setting the lithion to 15v max and the lifepo4 at 14.2 worked well. And of course I get more capacity. Sadly I’m using an old inverter that had been collecting dust. The high voltage limit is 15v hence the max voltage of the lithion. My house has a 14kw system already and my little experiment is never going to be introduced to a working system. Just haven’t seen much research on it. Anyway let me know what anyone thinks. And I hope everyone’s having a decent end of the week