Sometimes, if you are new in the battery technology, a question may arise :
What would follow from packing multiple batteries alltogether ?
Today, I suggest to narrow on a kind of battery packing : Series packing.
So you may wonder what is series packing and what it is useful to. Don’t worry, we will try to explain it.
First of all, packing batteries in series means you will interconnect them in series. Interconnecting batteries in series will power up the energy of your pack. The more energy your pack has, the more consuming equipment it could supply.
In our case, interconnecting batteries in series will increase the voltage of our pack. High Voltage Pack are useful for high consuming equipments. (In general, more an equipment is consuming, more its voltage input is high).
Let’s take a simple schema to explain this.

We see that connecting to batteries in series increase the voltage of our installation.
Here we have two batteries of 9V connected in series. The equivalent pack is a battery of 18V. (The multimeter shows a voltage of 6V but in the actual result would be 18V). This is due to : connecting batteries in series sum up the voltage of each battery.
And this is it ! I hope this article give you some info,
Best regards