CookieMunster6006 The battery pack you have, it is a 3S1P, rated at 11.1V nominal, 12.6 peak, 3000 mAh, which is mathematically equivalent to a 1S3P, 3.7V nominal, 4.2 peak, 9000 mAh pack. When you combine batteries you either get to add the mAh together or the voltage together, but not both. The pack in your device is only a 3000 pack, but it’s 3S. You posted a picture that says 100% NCR18650B 3400 mAh 12V 3S1P. That one is functionally identical to the pack that’s in your device. What you need is a 3S1P, rated around 3,000 mAh. On the back of your pack when it says 9000 mAh, they mean that it’s equivalent to a 1S3P 9000, but physically it’s a 3S1P 3000, which is different electrically, but mathematically the total energy is the same. If you take that 33.3Wh rating in the picture, divide that by 9Ah (9000mAh=9Ah), you’ll get 3.7, which is the nominal voltage of the cells in your pack. A 3S pack rated for 9,000 mAh, would be a 3S3P, meaning it would be a large brick of nine cells all together, and in total it would be about three times the capacity of what you have, in addition to three times the size.