I can’t seem to read the entirety of your reply. it cuts off after “I don’t” and it completely disappears when I click on it.
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It may of been charged or equalized too aggressively. if it has muddy reddish brown water.
See if it clears up after a few days of being in floating stage with no extra charging or discharging. no equalizing.
You may also want to independently charge both batteries to full one at a time with a 12v charger if one is significantly lower than the other and unable to “catch up” when charging normally.
Also how does it function? Does both batteries behave normally. or does one of them drop voltage a lot when a load is applied.
Murky or cloudy water is caused by charging at a high rate or equalizing. with the fluid stirring up loose particulate material in the battery. either from the lead plates or sulfate being stirred up by the bubbles.
dark Black or very dark brown cloudy water is what you want to avoid. Severe damage to the battery plates has ocurred if this is the case.
How does it look with a bright flashlight?
Very aggressive or prolonged equalizing can cause corrosion of the positive plates causing reddish brown cloudyness.
Does it clear up if you leave the battery sit a while on float?