Hi guys. I’m new here so hi my name is Jacob. I just got into batteries and I’m addicted. Idk why I just love batteries?!! Lol anyway, does anyone have any idea what would be the best 18350 batteries to put in a tested 450nm 3.8w (3800mw) laser pointer? The website says to use 2×16340’s for the blue laser, which is what I have. That is kinda dumb I think. Why wouldn’t they say to use 2×18350’s? It’s the same voltage just higher capacity, or am I wrong? So I tried it and they will fit. Plus I won’t have the sound of batteries floating around in the 2mm dead space that is not being used. I asked somebody at SANWU lasers what would be the best amps and they said to use 10a 18350 batteries for best performance. This is where you guys come in. I need you to educate me on if this is true and given the specs above, what do you think would be the best 18350 batteries to use in this thing? Again, it’s a gatling 450nm (blue) 3.8w (3800mw) laser pointer that is supposed to take 2×16340’s ), corrected, 2×18350’s. Thank you very much I look forward to getting to know more about this stuff and you guys. People need people and that’s why we are all here. Message me back anytime